EPR Assertion Provider MockUp


The EPR Assertion Provider MockUp is a SoapUI webservice (mock) that provides SAML Assertion when requested. The Assertion Provider is based on a backend Java library net.ihe.gazelle.XUAGenerator that need to be deployed on the running SoapUI.

  • default_wsdl_url: http://ehealthsuisse.ihe-europe.net:8090/STS?wsdl
  • default_path: /STS
  • default_port: 8090
  • default_mock_name: STSBindingMockService
  • default_mock_path: /opt/simulators/epr-assertion-provider-mockup
  • default_soapui_path: /usr/local/SmartBear/SoapUI-5.3.0/
  • default_soapui_mock_log: /var/log/soapui/epr-assertion-provider.log
  • default_init.d: /etc/init.d/mock-eCH-XUAGenerator
  • default_keystore_path: /opt/gazelle/cert/jboss.jks

Install SoapUI


Install EPR SAML Generator project

Get the Subversion project

git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/gazelle/specific-tools/epr/assertion-provider.git $SAMLGENERATOR_DIR

Deploy EPR SAML Generator in SoapUI

Build the projet

mvn clean package

Copy the jar into the external SoapUI intallation dir

cp target/epr-saml-generator-X.X.X-jar-with-dependencies.jar $SOAPUI_INSTALL_DIR/bin/ext/.

Install EPR Assertion Provider MockUp

Get the Subversion project

svn checkout https://svn.ihe-europe.net/gazelle/EPD/trunk/epr-assertion-provider-mockup/ $EPR_AP_MOCK_DIR

Install libraries required by SoapUI

Copy the external jars (esapi, velocity and postgresql)

cp $EPR_AP_MOCK_DIR/external_jar/esapi- $SOAPUI_INSTALL_DIR/lib/
cp $EPR_AP_MOCK_DIR/external_jar/velocity-1.7.jar $SOAPUI_INSTALL_DIR/lib/
cp $EPR_AP_MOCK_DIR/external_jar/postgresql-9.3-1102.jdbc4.jar $SOAPUI_INSTALL_DIR/lib/

Prepare the database

Database is not mandatory, but if not configured, it will raise log errors for each recieving request.

psql -U gazelle postgres
> CREATE DATABASE "assertion-provider" OWNER gazelle ;
> \q
psql -U gazelle assertion-provider < $EPR_AP_MOCK_DIR/sql/schema.sql

Mock as a service

Prepare the init.d script

Edit the init.d script $EPR_AP_MOCK_DIR/init.d/assertionProviderMock and set the following environment variables

  • SOAPUI_PATH => Path of SoapUI folder
  • SOAPUI_PROJECT_PATH => Path of SoapUI project script
  • SOAPUI_MOCK_NAME => Name of the SoapUI mock
  • SOAPUI_MOCK_PORT => Port of the SoapUI mock
  • SOAPUI_MOCK_ENDPOINT => Path of the SoapUI mock
  • SOAPUI_MOCK_LOG => Path where to publish log file

Declare the service

Type the following commands register the init.d script as service

sudo cp $EPR_AP_MOCK_DIR/init.d/assertionProviderMock /etc/init.d/assertionProviderMock
sudo chmod u+x /etc/init.d/assertionProviderMock
sudo chmod 775 /etc/init.d/assertionProviderMock

If you want the service to start at each machine start up

sudo update-rc.d assertionProviderMock defaults

Be careful to allow the service to write logs into your target directory. As example

sudo mkdir /var/log/soapui
sudo chmod 775 /var/log/soapui

Start the mock

To run the mock

sudo /etc/init.d/assertionProviderMock start

To stop the mock

sudo /etc/init.d/assertionProviderMock stop

To get status of the mock

sudo /etc/init.d/assertionProviderMock status


You might need to install those following packets

sudo apt-get install -y libxrender1 libxtst6 libxi6

You might need to resolve errors when starting the mock

sudo mv /root/.soapuios/ /root/.soapuios_old